The Poptropican Hunger Games: Signup

Hello, Poptropicans, and welcome to the first annual Poptropican Hunger Games. 12 districts will be chosen, each with 2 members. If you would like to sign yourself or anybody else up, put their name, gender, and a link to a picture of them in the comments below. I myself will be participating in it, with three different versions of myself. Should you also want any otherworldly characters, like for example Mario, it is ok if you submit them too. Happy Pop Hunger Games and may the odds be ever in your favor.

35 thoughts on “The Poptropican Hunger Games: Signup

  1. Lucky Wing, Gender Female, District IDEC, picture is Profile Pic and will send on Discord if that’s not enough. May the force be ever in your favor Mr. Potter. *Runs*


      1. Oh, sorry! I thought that comments show the url instead of the picture, but does the picture show up?


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